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5688 dny před,
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Priblíženie posledných okamžikov pri núdzovom pristátí lietajúcej pevnosti B17-G počas II.svetovej vojny na hladine mora v zátoke mesta Calvi na Korzike. Komentár v priamom čase živo opisuje posledné chvíle Americkej posádky tohto legendáneho bombardéra. Napriek utrhnutej zadnej časti lietadla pri dopade na hladinu ide vlastne o šťastný koniec...Film je podaný bez akéhokoľvek prikrášlovania a skreslovania udalosti. O réžiu, vlastný záznam a následné spracovanie filmu sa postaral člen skupiny Aqua-pro: Ing. Jozef Cihlár, tvorca mnohých dokumentov tohto zamerania.
Pozn: Táto ukážka z filmu je skrátená v rámci limitu You-tube a preto nepodáva kompletný dej a obraz.
Armand Sedgley first visited Calvi Feb. 1944, as a 22-year-old B-17 bombardier when he and his crew crash-landed in the Mediterranean Sea about 200 meters from the city's shore. Their mission began earlier in the day when they left Amendola Air Base, Italy, to bomb the railway yards in Verona, but German fighter aircraft inflicted heavy damage and forced the B-17 to attempt a landing at the closest Allied airfield: Calvi.
They lost altitude too quickly, though, and were forced to crash land the aircraft in the sea.
Pilot 2nd Lt. Frank Chaplick, Sedgeley, top turret gunner Tech. Sgt. Frank Bradley and right waist gunner Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Baron survived the mission. Tail gunner Staff Sgt. Tony Duca, radio operator Tech. Sgt. Robert H. Householder, and left waist gunner Staff Sgt. George J. Murphy were killed in action before the crash landing and went to a watery grave with their aircraft.
Sedgeley made his second visit to Corsica Oct. 2, 51 years after his crash-landing. This time he landed at the Calvi airport with his son David.
This second visit was as part of a city of Calvi commemoration of the B-17, which is locally regarded as a historical landmark to the war and the brave men and women who gave their lives for liberty and freedom. /download article/