Plavání se žraloky : mrkni na týpka co ho kamarádi hodili mezi žraloky

4431 dny před, 3173 krát zhlédnuto
a surfer is pushed into the water directly in front of an oncoming shark. The surfer was in a boat and the shark draws so close that it must flop out of the water to avoid hitting the oncoming dingy. Scroll down to see the 'prank' According to the video's up-loader, the video was shot in Ireland off the west coast beach town of Rossnowlagh. The man's friends cackle with laughter as he struggled to pull himself back into the boat. 'What the f***?! That was mad!' the cameraman says after the victim was pulled back aboard. According to the video the prank wasn't nearly as dangerous at it appeared. The shark in question is reportedly a basking shark - a gentle plankton eater that is not dangerous to humans. The beasts, nonetheless, can be massive - growing more than 40 feet and weighing up to 21 tons. Rossnowlagh is known for having particularly good surfing, with waves that can reach up to 20 feet in winter.
Tagy: žralok, surf, sranda



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